Songs About Fucking Lolis

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One of the two covers of the album

Songs About Fucking Lolis is a lolicore album produced by Heyurizens from 2022/12/06 to 2022/12/31. It is the first collaborative album made on Heyuri.


Here are the events as I remember them:

One day in Heyuri, two heyurizens were talking about lolicore music on some thread on /b/. Realizing that they both had above average musical tastes and agreeing to the fact that lolicore had been left in a miserable state for years, they exclaimed "No, this cannot be; We cannot let this musical genre that we cherish so much pine away in indifference." Because of this temperament heyurizens have to never discuss about ideas without acting but to always be productive in their conversations, they naturally decided to create a thread that called heyurizens to get at their keyboards to create a lolicore album that would honor the genre.

There were some forked tongues. Some complained that lolicore is the "musical equivalent to a scribble", and that they'd rather use their musical talents for more noble creations. It wasn't enough to sap the good spirits of Heyurizens who were happy to have an occasion to collaborate with their peers. The project advanced at a steady pace. In less than a month, it was all in the bag: they had produced two album covers and a dozen of pieces that blew a wind of youth over lolicore. Today, heyurizens can pride themselves on having made a lolicore classic: Songs About Fucking Lolis.


The album is on bandcamp and on the internet archive

If anybody have the archive of the original threads on which the album was made please post it here.