
From Heyuri Historical Society
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An artist's depiction of the average person's reaction to an Penglish sentence.

Penglish is the mysterious language spoken only by pen man. Although similar to English on the surface, it often deviates from standard English in the way certain words are spelt, and in some cases, feature entirely new words.

This is speculated to be the result of pen man downing fifteen bottles of beer before he chooses to type. More research might be necessary before jumping to conclusions, though...

Some examples of penglish:

  • "half my population died and i stgill have 100000 food, so i dont think thats necessary" - Khan of Lolistan (believed to be pen man)
  • "fuck niggers i will kill all of you who eanta to take suzuki cupcake" - pen man
  • "i am also a bitch boy who war mongers insted of bringing pease" - leprechaun◆HCgtCD43N (later found out to be pen man)
Notice the word "facorry" - believed to be a loanword derived from the term "factory"
The exact translation for this one is still under discussion from linguists. Most likely trying to say "i spilt alcohol on my keyboard" and "i have to use my phone"